Saturday, June 6, 2009

Even Angels

Running through the garden again. And breaking stained-glass windows. I like to watch the light cascade down. And bless the people inside. They never know how to react. Everyone just stares. They're missing their chance. I don't know what else I can do to tell them. I've tried everything.

I see you inside. You're standing on the pew trying to get a better look. You always were the type.

I begin to turn away and make my exodus. Before they come running carrying stones yet hurling only insults. I love this intimidation game. I find your eyes. And their intentions are unmistakable....As always.

And I know I'm bringing you with me. My hand through the window. And your feet taking flight. Neither of us really even sure where we're headed anymore. But one thing is for certain....

By the time we're through, even angels will shake, fall, and shatter.

1 comment:

vinny said...

off late, i'm hearing abt angels alone...whats happening?? :)

i felt something here but cant describe...:)